Saturday, December 9, 2017

Janie's dock, PVB

Our dock had started to get rickety. I have had plants on it for 20 years and the wood under the pots had rotted to an unsafe degree. My wife, Janie, decided to redo it. She measured and had the lumber delivered. One day she and a friend from Habitat for Humanity Paul (thank you Paul), where she volunteers twice a week, got it started. For the next week she ripped up old wood, cut and placed new wood and screwed it down tight. This is about the halfway point and it is now finished. The work is superb. I had nothing to do with the build. She didn't even use me for stoop labor (I am quite good at being in the way). So we now have a lovely new dock. I am so proud of her.

1 comment:

Martina said...

This is so cool! What would you do without her? ;-)


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