We had an adventure getting here. Our flight in Atlanta got out late and we were in the oldest plane in Delta's fleet. We had a longish wait in Paris waiting for our puddle jumper to Marseille. Janie's luggage was lost. We got upgraded to a BMW suv and drove to the Super U in Coustellet and got groceries and arrived last evening in Saignon in a pouring rain. We found Annie, our host, and came to the house. It's wonderful. We had shower and a wee nap and went to Solveig for dinner. We both slept 12 hours through. Woke up to fog but a nice day and went to Christine's for palmiers and cafe au lait, see above. Back to the house, below is a view out of a window, and now out for a brief exploration. The rain snuck back so we are in for the afternoon.
Storm Coming In
19 hours ago
Oiii. Luggage arrived by now? Or has Janie to go to Aix for shopping :-D?
Palmiers are called Schweineöhrchen in German - I had some yesterday for coffee.
Have fun and enjoy yourselves - I don't think I have ever seen fog in Provence, btw. But we arrived in pouring rain this year, too. And then - three weeks of sunshine. I am sure it will be the same pattern for you ;-)
Yea, you arrived! We're happy Christine's and Solveig are still up and running. Post more news of Saignon. Love your pictures.
Lovely view and weather to start the holiday.
No luggage yet. It's Sunday. It's France. We don't even know if it has been found. Tomorrow. Shopping in Aix?!?! Etes vous fou? At home palmiers are called elephant ears. The sun starts tomorrow.
Well....the view is great. Was cold and damp this afternoon and we stayed in and read.
Love the photo of the palmiers. They are just as delicious as they look.
Hi guys,
We ate at Solveig last night. Had the great waitress. No cat. They are closing for the season on Saturday:-( The good news is that they have a season ending party to which we are going:-)) Ate lunch at Christine's, ham and cheese omelets on a cold day. La Petite Cave has come way down in price and their menu seems like a cross between the little place next to Rose Cottage and Petit Cave. The brother-in-law who ran the little restaurant is managing for a bit as the owner ran his scooter into a pair of wild boars and broke two ribs. This is all in one day here. And people wonder why we come here.
At least I held off until the cafe au lait came!
Je ne suis pas folle - redemander Aix et shopping à Janie :-D
So that means that the US elephants and the German pigs are of the same size regarding their ears? Hum.
Jim, I'm so glad you're having a great time and eating well. Did you see any of thr Ryder golf. The way the Americans played on Sunday I think they would fit in nicely with our group!
Today I wrote a little story about a rabbit who wants to be a golfer, a Florida golf course with a monopod wielding golfer is mentioned. I thought this is the right place to announce this, publicity seeker that I am ;-)
And no, I know nothing about golf, I even had to google Ryder ...
Reason for all this was one photographer's comment on my blog that I should tell her a story (she is a golfer ... ).
Ah yes, it's here:
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