We had an adventure getting here. Our flight in Atlanta got out late and we were in the oldest plane in Delta's fleet. We had a longish wait in Paris waiting for our puddle jumper to Marseille. Janie's luggage was lost. We got upgraded to a BMW suv and drove to the Super U in Coustellet and got groceries and arrived last evening in Saignon in a pouring rain. We found Annie, our host, and came to the house. It's wonderful. We had shower and a wee nap and went to Solveig for dinner. We both slept 12 hours through. Woke up to fog but a nice day and went to Christine's for palmiers and cafe au lait, see above. Back to the house, below is a view out of a window, and now out for a brief exploration. The rain snuck back so we are in for the afternoon.
Storm Coming In
14 hours ago